6 Activities

24 Session

Self and Social Awareness

“Good Touch” in schools teaches children about safe, consensual physical interactions, like hugs from trusted individuals. “Bad Touch” educates them to recognize and report inappropriate or harmful contact, ensuring personal safety and boundary awareness. This curriculum aims to empower children, fostering a secure learning environment focused on healthy relationships and respec

A trusted person, like family or close friends, is reliable and caring, ensuring well-being. An untrusted person raises integrity concerns, potentially compromising safety. Recognizing these traits is crucial for informed decisions, fostering secure relationships, and ensuring personal safety.

Public places are open and accessible to everyone, such as parks or malls. Private places are restricted and not open to the general public, like homes or offices. Understanding the distinction is crucial for respecting boundaries, ensuring security, and maintaining appropriate behavior in different settings

Body safety rules are explicit guidelines, often taught to children, outlining boundaries and appropriate conduct to safeguard against inappropriate touch or harm. These rules empower individuals to recognize, prevent, and report any actions that violate personal boundaries, fostering a secure environment and promoting personal well-being

Feelings refer to the subjective, conscious experience of emotions and states of being. They encompass a wide range of sensations, such as happiness, sadness, anger, fear, and love. Feelings are influenced by external stimuli, thoughts, and physiological responses, contributing to the rich tapestry of human emotional experience

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